Overview of BDB predictive Workbench.
BDB Predictive Analytics workbench is a statistical analysis and data mining solution that enables you to build predictive models to discover hidden insights and relationships in your data, from which you can make predictions about future events. It is a data scientist work bench with R, Python and Spark capabilities. By using this, we can train different machine learning models and evaluate those models on basis of accuracy and various other parameters. If the model accuracy is good enough, we can deploy the model on top of actual data, which will give you the predictions. This is a pluggable feature of the BizViz platform. Predictive analysis supports different data sources like Bizviz data service (MySQL, MsSQL, Oracle and Cassandra) and files (CSV, TSV, txt).
Supports most of the popular statistical algorithms like association, classification, clustering, outliers, regression, time series forecasting (R - implementation). For Big data processing data sources like HDFS and Cassandra are supported. Processing layer for Big data is apache spark cluster using Spark MLLIb.
Here you can watch a demo of BDB predictive workbench:
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