Monday, 25 September 2017

Apache Camel Web-socket

This example provides sample camel routes for WebSocket producer and consumer.

Apache camel websocket producer example:


      //we will use this connectionKey for uniquely identifying each connection from the client.

      setHeader(WebsocketConstants.CONNECTION_KEY, header("connectionKey")).


Apache camel WebSocket consumer example.


    .process(new Processor() {

     public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

       Map<String, Object> headers=exchange.getIn().getHeaders();

    //you can get a unique connection key from the exchange header.This would be unique for each client.

    //store this key somewhere, to send messages to particular client.

    String uniqueConnectionKey=headers.get("websocket.connectionKey").toString();

          //you can get message from the client like below.

          String dataFromClient=exchange.getIn().getBody().toString();




To send a message to WebSocket producer.

using producer template, we can send messages to camel WebSocket endpoint.

CamelContext camelContext=new DefaultCamelContext();

ProducerTemplate template=camelContext.createProducerTemplate();

template.sendBodyAndHeader("direct:Producer1", {message}, "connectionKey", {connectionkey});

direct:Producer1 : producer endpoint name

connectionkey : a unique connection key, which you will get from the exchange header in WebSocket consumer.

message : message to the WebSocket endpoint.

I hope this would help.


Python and packages offline Installation in ubuntu machine.